Learning loss and learning inequality during the Covid-19 pandemic


This paper evaluates the effects of school closure during the Covid-19 pandemic on learning loss and learning inequalities in Rio de Janeiro. It presents longitudinal data for 671 children (5/6 years old) enrolled in the second year of preschool (compulsory Education in Brazil) in two cohorts (2019 and 2020). All children were assessed at the start and end of the school year, and value-added models were used to estimate the impact of school closure from April to December 2020 on language and mathematics development. Results suggest a learning loss of 0.23 and 0.25 standard deviations for language and mathematics. This equates to children having learned around 65% of what they would have in face-to-face interactions. Those from low socioeconomic status families were more affected; they learned only 48% of what they would have in normal conditions. Results suggest an increase in learning inequalities during the 2020 academic year. Implications for policy and the need for an Education recovery plan focused on disadvantaged children are discussed.

Bartholo TL, Koslinski MC, Tymms P, Castro DL. Learning loss and learning inequality during the Covid-19 pandemic . Ensaio: avalpolpúblEduc [Internet]. 9999;(Ensaio: aval.pol.públ.Educ., 9999 (ahead)). Available from: https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-40362022003003776
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Daniel Castro
Daniel Castro
Avaliação de Impacto, Políticas Públicas e Pesquisa Educacional

Pedagogo e Pesquisador de Políticas Educacionais. Interessado em Avaliação cognitiva, desigualdades sociais e estudos de larga escala.